Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A fishy tale!

When life gives you a kick
what do you do?
Fight back?
Or shed silent tears?

Sorrows are public these day!
We want to know constantly
what happens to others!
What happens to you?
Who's bothered?

Like a fish in the pond
we run after grubs
or the smaller ones...
Some survive
some don't!
Some become the prized catch!
Who bothers?

Till you get caught in the net,
keep swimming!
All the best!


  1. Your comments keep me going! Thanks Kishore :)

  2. Hey Ulki, It's time for another post!! Between 23 June (the day you posted last) and today there must be many things that inspired you to think, and few must be there to make you to write. So pen down something... for the sake of your readers!!
